4 reasons to backup your data

4 Reasons to Back Up Your Data

4 reasons to backup your data

One of the best practices to avoid computer problems includes the implementation of a backup and backup plan for your data.

Such copies are essential as they act as a preventive measure to deal with incidents. This is because the loss of information can be caused by the failure of a physical device or system, human error, malicious code or cyber attack.

If you have not yet implemented a security backup system in your routine, be sure to read this article and understand the importance of this measure in data protection.

Backup: 4 reasons to back up your data and files

Documents, reports, contracts, projects, client contacts... There is a lot of important data that we deal with on a daily basis.

Each of these data and files is important for your work routine or even personal life. Therefore, backup is the best solution when it comes to keeping files and any type of data protected.

Even if you are careful in maintaining your device, incidents can happen. And often there's no turning back. The data is simply lost.

To get around this kind of situation, backup or backup is the best alternative. The same can be done in several ways, namely:

- · Hard Disk Drive - Ideally, it should be an external HD. But if it is internal, it should be different from what is used to start the operating system

- · USB storage device - It is advisable to use a flash drive exclusively for backups. However, it is important to be careful, as they can be fragile or easily lost due to their size

- · Optical media (CD/DVD/BLU-RAY) - These are more susceptible to physical damage, such as scratches, which can corrupt the data. It is recommended to store the information in more than one optical medium in case of any failure.

- · Cloud (Internet) - It has the advantage of facilitating access to information virtually anywhere. This is one of the most commonly used forms of backup today.

Knowing the ways to keep your data protected, see below 4 reasons why you should take this security measure.

1 - Greater safety on defective machines

We are so used to using the computer on a day-to-day basis that we forget that sooner or later it will stop working.

This is why you must have saved copies elsewhere. It can be a cloud backup, an external hard drive, or even a newer notebook.

The important thing is that there is more than one version of the same file. This way you won't be at the mercy of a system failure or invasion.

2 - Avoids duplication of work

Especially in a company, when important data is lost, productivity is harmed.

If time is money, as the old saying goes, redoing the job represents double costs. And, this is another reason why you should have backups to retrieve data and information essential to running a business.

3 - Preventive measure

We are all susceptible to natural disasters or even computer system failures. These events can cause you to lose everything you have stored on your machine.

As prevention is always the best measure, it is worth making sure that your data is safe on another device.

4 - Protection against human error

We are all subject to error and to ignore this fact when managing your information is to take risks without necessity.

Even if the employee is detailed and has a lot of attention in his daily tasks, he is not immune to mistakes.

Hence another important factor in having backups of your files.

It is important to point out that there is no point in backing up data sporadically. Copies should be made regularly, updating the most important information of your business.

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